Sunday 13 March 2011


My team mate Caroline found a small article on on a guerilla marketing campaign that will be used to help create a buzz. This campaign involves branding people, cars, magazines, surfaces etc with coolhunter by slapping the stickers in different places. 

The stickers say things like "You've been Cool Huntered" and "The contents of this magazine have already been blogged about 3 months ago, save your money and read".

At a time when magazines seem to be struggling to compete against digital media, magazine publishers are now joining together for a comeback campaign stating that "people aren't giving up swimming just because they also enjoy surfing". This basically means that just because consumers surf the internet does not mean that they will stop reading magazines. You don't get the personal feel with online and something as simple as the texture of the paper used in magazines makes them a lot more interesting to look through than online. You just can't get the same experience.

I like the fact that this campaign is intrusive...
Anything can be branded with the cool hunter so  it is more likely that the public will notice these sticker high-jacks and raise awareness while also getting them intrigued and to join in themselves with this campaign.

I think that branding every day objects, and claiming them as your own is an interesting way to communicate brand identity, especially if great thought is to put into the exact locations so that these branded objects are part of the brand itself. This could be something that can be taken into account for our help raise awareness for New Balance we could do something about branding the street by putting your identity into it?

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